#la mer review
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christine-ye · 1 year ago
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I can't believe it. I'm officially done with rewatching Tropical Rouge, and it's now the first PreCure season I've rewatched from start to finish. While still very flawed (especially in its storytelling and use of its motifs) and could've been better, I found it more enjoyable the second time around compared to the first during its original run. 7.5/10
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 3 months ago
New Audio: The Offline Returns with Breezy Yet Uneasy "Les amis"
New Audio: The Offline Returns with Breezy Yet Uneasy "Les amis" @DeepMatter
Hamburg-born and-based photographer, composer and multi-instrumentalist Felix Müller is the creative mastermind behind the rising cinematic soul project The Offline. The German photographer, composer and multi-instrumentalist can trace the origins of The Offline to his travels along the Atlantic coastline of southern France with an analog camera, capturing beach life. Upon his return to Hamburg,…
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belladoesmakeup · 1 year ago
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Blogmas: guys we have a La Mer sample! 🤍
Hi guys,
Guys I think I may have gotten the best skincare sample of my entire life! I was browsing the makeup and skincare counters at John Lewis and my friends were looking at the La Mer counter. Now while I love my skincare the most expensive cream I will ever buy is Magic Cream and that is my complete limit. Now imagine how shocked I was when I noticed that a La Mer 15ml cream is £80!!!
Honestly when I saw the price I think the main working the counter saw how shocked I was because he asked if I was okay ( I must of gone more pale than usual). The lovely gentleman started talking about the brand and the benefit of the products and while he was amazing at his job it was a line I'm not crossing. After he was finished talking about the product we all started heading to another counter and he told us to stop and bless his soul he gave us all a 7 ml sample of the iconic La Mer The Moisturizing Cool Gel Cream.
Once we left the counter we realised that sample if worth £40!!!! it's completely insane. The moisturiser itself is meant to be a cooling gel delivers soothing moisture for a refreshed feel. It leaves your skin looking naturally vibrant and restored to it's healthiest state. La Mer products include miracle broth is the famous ingredient featured in all La Mer products / collections, apparently it infuses skin with sea-sourced renewing energies (again this is information is from their site). Sounds crazy when you read their descriptions, now personally I have never bought a La Mer cream because the prices range from 15ml £80.00, 30ml £155.00 and 60 ml £290.00 which is insane!
Now does this cream feel amazing on my skin? Yes Does my makeup sit really well on top? Yes. But will I be buying a full size? Heck no! Personally I am happy to stick with my Magic Cream (which let's be honest is expensive enough!), though it was nice to finally try the iconic cream. As always all products mentioned are linked above, though I don’t know who’s buying a cream for that price lol.
Lots of love
Bella x x
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djuvlipen · 2 years ago
♀️latscho diwes djuviale♀️
💞 I made this blog to highlight the specific struggles Romani women face based on our sex, our race and our class
💞 I'm anti-gender, anti-sex trade, anti-religion, anti-capitalist
💞 I support women's and LGB rights. My feminism is female only!
💞 I'm a half-sinti, half-white working class homosexual woman living in Western Europe
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General / Frequently asked questions
-> Difference between Roma and Romanian (x)
-> Difference between Roma and Sinti (x)
-> My profile picture is from De la source à la mer (1984), by Sinti-Manouche filmmaker and writer Pisla Helmstetter
-> My banner is from The Gypsies are Found Near Heaven (1975), by Emil Loteanu
Posts on the racialized misogyny targeting Romani women
-> general masterpost (x)
-> posts on Romani women being sex trafficked into prostitution in Europe (x) (x)
-> posts on the forced sterilization of Romani women in Europe (x) (x) (x) (x)
-> post on healthcare discrimination (x)
-> incest, sexual and domestic violence targeting Eastern European Romani women (x) (x)
-> Roma, religion and misogyny (x)
-> On "Gypsy witches" (x)
Inspiring Romani women you should know about
-> autobiographies by Romani women (x)
-> Sandra Jayat, French-Romani painter and poet (x)
-> Katarina Taikon, Swedish-Romani writer and antiracist activist (x) (x)
-> Elena Gorolova, Czech-Romani women's rights advocate (x)
-> Jelena Savić, Serbian-Romani feminist, poet and essayist (x)
-> Tela-Tchaï, French-Romani actress (x)
-> Amoun Sleem, Palestinian-Domari antiracist activist and feminist (x)
-> Philomena Franz, German-Romani Holocaust survivor and writer (x)
-> Vera Kurtić, Serbian-Romani lesbian feminist (x)
-> Kiba Lumberg, Finnish-Romani and butch lesbian artist (x)
-> Zilli Schmidt, German-Romani Holocaust survivor (x)
-> "15 Bad ass Romani ladies you should know about" (x)
-> Romani herstory, an "ever-growing digital library that celebrates women of Romani descent from the past and present, unsung heroines & trailblazers who refuse(d) to conform to stereotypes"
Romani feminist writings
-> Intersections of Gender, Ethnicity, and Class: History and Future of the Romani Women’s Movement, by Jelena Jovanović, Angéla Kóczé, and Lídia Balogh (x)
-> Gender, Ethnicity and Class: Romani Women's Political Activism and Social Struggles, Angéla Kóczé (x)
-> Lessons from Roma Feminism in Europe: Digital Storytelling Projects with Roma Women Activists from Romania, Spain and Sweden, Jasmine Ljungberg (x)
-> Romani women’s identities real and imagined: Media discourse analysis of “I’m a European Roma Woman” campaign, Jelena Jovanović (x)
-> Džuvljarke: Roma Lesbian Existence, Vera Kurtić (x)
-> Re-envisioning Social Justice from the Ground Up: Including the Experiences of Romani Women, Alexandra Oprea (x)
-> Angéla Kóczé on the hijacking of the Romani feminist and antiracist movement by neoliberal groups (x) (x)
-> Mihaela Drăgan on the racialization of Romani women (x)
-> quotes from Romani feminist books (x)
Learn about the Romani genocide
-> general post (x)
The Genocide and Persecution of Roma and Sinti. Bibliography and Historiographical Review (x)
Roma Resistance During the Holocaust and in its Aftermath, Angéla Kóczé, Anna Lujza Szász (eds.) (x)
O Porrajmos: the Romani Holocaust, Ian Hancock (x)
Porrajmos: The Romani and the Holocaust, Ian Hancock (x)
Responses to the Porrajmos (the Romani Holocaust), Ian Hancock (x)
Barvalipe Roma Online University (playlist of lectures about many different aspects of Romani history, politics and culture) (x)
Romani slavery in Romania
Brief overview (x)
Alternatives to the labrys flag
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(first design by @/sapphos-darling)
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munsonology · 2 years ago
So I’m on sephora.com because I can’t keep a dime in my purse to save my life while watching reviews of products on youtube
Anyway somebody in the comments said the brush this girl was using was $60+ from la mer and it got me thinking about that expensive prank of tiktok
imagine you set up your phone to record and he’s in the kitchen making lunch and he overhears you, “ok you guys I bought this eyeshadow palette on sale for $399”
And he chokes on his drink because yeah he said you could use his credit card but that much for makeup?
“Baby! You spent $400 on eyeshadow?”
And you pause. Looking between him and the camera for full effect. “No Stevie it was on sale for $399”
“I—what does it do that the others don’t?”
“Stevie I’m filming. And it has duo chrome shadows”
“…anyway you said I could use your Amex,” you pout.
“Yeah baby i did. I just want you to tell me. No secrets between us, especially with finances. Didn’t know makeup could cost so much. Maybe next time I can help you look for a coupon though”
You watch him come over with two plates of food. He doesn’t even know Sephora has no coupons. He’s still taking care of you all these years later.
He’s so sweet you give up on the prank and come clean. He kisses your forehead, not even bothered by your trickery. You’ll have to up your game for the Gucci ostrich bag prank 🤭
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pollonegro666 · 1 year ago
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2023/07/08 También hace un repaso a los progresos que ha tenido la humanidad desde que bajó de los árboles y comenzó a caminar ergido hasta nuestros días.
It also reviews the progress that humanity has made since it came down from the trees and began to walk upright to the present day.
Google Translation into French: Il passe également en revue les progrès que l'humanité a réalisés depuis qu'elle est descendue des arbres et a commencé à marcher debout jusqu'à nos jours.
Google translation into Italian: Esamina anche i progressi compiuti dall'umanità da quando è scesa dagli alberi e ha iniziato a camminare eretta fino ai giorni nostri.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Ele também analisa o progresso que a humanidade fez desde que desceu das árvores e começou a andar ereto até os dias atuais.
Google Translation into German: Außerdem wird der Fortschritt beleuchtet, den die Menschheit seit dem Abstieg von den Bäumen und dem aufrechten Gehen bis heute gemacht hat.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Ajo hedh gjithashtu dritë mbi përparimin që ka bërë njerëzimi që nga zbritja nga pemët dhe ecja drejt e deri në ditët e sotme.
Google Translation into Armenian: Այն նաև լույս է սփռում այն ​​առաջընթացի վրա, որ մարդկությունը հասել է ծառերից իջնելուց և ուղիղ քայլելուց մինչև մեր օրերը։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Освен това хвърля светлина върху напредъка, който човечеството е постигнало, откакто е слязло от дърветата и е тръгнало изправено до наши дни.
Google Translation into Czech: Osvětluje také pokrok, který lidstvo udělalo od doby, kdy sestoupilo ze stromů a chodilo vzpřímeně až do současnosti.
Google Translation into Croatian: Također baca svjetlo na napredak koji je čovječanstvo postiglo otkako je sišlo s drveća i uspravno hodalo do danas.
Google Translation into Danish Det kaster også lys over de fremskridt, som menneskeheden har gjort, siden de steg ned fra træer og gik oprejst til i dag.
Google Translation into Slovak: Osvetľuje tiež pokrok, ktorý ľudstvo urobilo od chvíle, keď zostúpilo zo stromov a kráčalo vzpriamene až po súčasnosť.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Osvetljuje tudi napredek, ki ga je človeštvo naredilo odkar se je spustilo z dreves in stopilo pokončno do danes.
Google Translation into Estonian: Samuti heidab see valgust edusammudele, mida inimkond on teinud alates puudelt laskumisest ja püsti kõndimisest kuni tänapäevani.
Google Translation into Suomi: Se valaisee myös sitä edistystä, jonka ihmiskunta on saavuttanut puista laskeutumisen ja pystyssä kävelemisen jälkeen nykypäivään.
Google Translation into Georgian: ის ასევე ნათელს ჰფენს იმ პროგრესს, რომელსაც კაცობრიობა მიაღწია ხეებიდან ჩამოსვლისა და თავდაყირა სიარულის შემდეგ დღემდე.
Google Translation into Greek: Ρίχνει επίσης φως στην πρόοδο που έχει σημειώσει η ανθρωπότητα από τότε που κατέβηκε από τα δέντρα και περπατούσε όρθια μέχρι σήμερα.
Google Translation into Dutch: Het werpt ook licht op de vooruitgang die de mensheid heeft geboekt sinds ze uit bomen afdaalde en rechtop liep tot op de dag van vandaag.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Den kaster også lys over fremgangen menneskeheten har gjort siden de steg ned fra trær og gikk oppreist til i dag.
Google Translation into Polish: Rzuca też światło na postęp, jaki poczyniła ludzkość od zejścia z drzew i chodzenia w pozycji wyprostowanej do dnia dzisiejszego.
Google Translation into Romanian: De asemenea, pune în lumină progresele pe care le-a făcut omenirea de când a coborât din copaci și a mers drept până în zilele noastre.
Google Translation into Russian: Это также проливает свет на прогресс, достигнутый человечеством с момента спуска с деревьев и прямохождения до наших дней.
Google Translation into Serbian: Такође баца светло на напредак који је човечанство остварило од када је сишло са дрвећа и усправно ходало до данас.
Google Translation into Swedish: Den kastar också ljus över de framsteg som mänskligheten har gjort sedan de stiger ner från träd och går upprätt till våra dagar.
Google Translation into Turkish: İnsanoğlunun ağaçlardan inip dik yürümesinden günümüze kadar kat ettiği mesafeye de ışık tutuyor.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Це також проливає світло на прогрес, якого досягло людство з того часу, як зійшло з дерев і стало прямоходити до наших днів.
Google Translation into Arabic: كما يلقي الضوء على التقدم الذي أحرزته البشرية منذ نزولها من الأشجار والسير منتصبة حتى يومنا هذا.
Google Translation into Bengali: এটি গাছ থেকে নেমে আসা এবং আজ অবধি সোজা পথে চলার পর থেকে মানবজাতি যে অগ্রগতি করেছে তার উপরও আলোকপাত করে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 它还揭示了人类从从树上下来、直立行走到今天所取得的进步。
Google Translation into Korean: 또한 인류가 나무에서 내려와 직립 보행을 한 이후 오늘날에 이르기까지의 발전 ��정을 조명합니다.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: He mea hoʻomālamalama i ka holomua o ke kanaka mai ka iho ʻana mai nā kumu lāʻau a hele pololei a hiki i kēia lā.
Google Translation into Hebrew: זה גם שופך אור על ההתקדמות שעשתה האנושות מאז ירדה מהעצים והליכה זקופה ועד היום.
Google Translation into Hindi: यह उस प्रगति पर भी प्रकाश डालता है जो पेड़ों से उतरने और सीधे चलने के बाद से आज तक मानव जाति ने की है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Ini juga menyoroti kemajuan yang telah dicapai umat manusia sejak turun dari pohon dan berjalan tegak hingga saat ini.
Google Translation into Japanese: また、人類が木から降りて直立歩行してから現在に至るまでの進歩にも光を当てています。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Ошондой эле адамзат дарактан түшүп, тик басып, бүгүнкү күнгө чейин кандай жетишкендиктерге жетишкенин ачыктайт.
Google Translation into Malay: Ia juga memberi penerangan tentang kemajuan yang telah dicapai oleh manusia sejak turun dari pokok dan berjalan tegak hingga ke hari ini.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Мөн хүн төрөлхтөн модноос бууж, босоо алхсаар өнөөг хүртэл ямар ахиц дэвшлийг олж авсан талаар гэрэл гэгээтэй болгодог.
Google Translation into Nepali: यसले मानिसजातिले रुखबाट ओर्लिएर हालसम्म सिधा हिँडेको प्रगतिमा पनि प्रकाश पार्छ।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਇਹ ਉਸ ਤਰੱਕੀ 'ਤੇ ਵੀ ਚਾਨਣਾ ਪਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਜੋ ਮਨੁੱਖਜਾਤੀ ਨੇ ਰੁੱਖਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਉਤਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਅੱਜ ਤੱਕ ਸਿੱਧੇ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: دا د هغه پرمختګ په اړه هم رڼا اچوي چې انسان د ونو څخه د راښکته کیدو او تر نن ورځې پورې په سمه توګه پرمخ تللی دی.
Google Translation into Persian: همچنین پیشرفتی را که بشر از زمان فرود آمدن از درختان و راست راه رفتن تا امروز داشته است، روشن می کند.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Ogé sheds lampu dina kamajuan nu umat manusa geus dijieun saprak turun tina tangkal jeung leumpang nangtung nepi ka kiwari.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Binibigyang-liwanag din nito ang pag-unlad na nagawa ng sangkatauhan mula nang bumaba mula sa mga puno at lumakad nang tuwid hanggang sa kasalukuyan.
Google Translation into Thai: นอกจากนี้ยังแสดงให้เห็นถึงความก้าวหน้าของมนุษยชาติตั้งแต่ลงจากต้นไม้และเดินตัวตรงจนถึงปัจจุบัน
Google Translation into Urdu: یہ اس ترقی پر بھی روشنی ڈالتا ہے جو بنی نوع انسان نے درختوں سے اترنے اور آج تک سیدھے چلنے کے بعد کی ہے۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Shuningdek, u insoniyatning daraxtlardan tushib, to‘g‘ri yurganidan so‘ng bugungi kungacha erishgan yutuqlariga oydinlik kiritadi.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Nó cũng làm sáng tỏ những tiến bộ mà loài người đã đạt được kể từ khi xuống khỏi cây và đi thẳng cho đến ngày nay.
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glam-grader · 8 days ago
La Mer Lip Balm Review: Luxury Hydration Worth It?
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oladivecenter · 27 days ago
Tenerife pour des excursions entre amis
Tenerife est une destination parfaite pour des excursions entre amis, offrant une variété d'activités qui combleront toutes les attentes, des aventures en plein air aux moments de détente au cœur de la nature. Que vous soyez passionnés de randonnée, amateurs de sensations fortes ou simples curieux de découvrir l'île, Tenerife propose des expériences uniques pour un groupe d'amis.
L'une des meilleures façons de découvrir l'île est de partir en randonnée à travers ses paysages spectaculaires. Le parc national du Teide, avec son volcan imposant et ses panoramas à couper le souffle, est un incontournable. Vous pouvez aussi vous aventurer dans les forêts de lauriers de la vallée de la Orotava ou explorer les formations volcaniques étonnantes des gorges de Masca. Les sentiers adaptés à tous les niveaux permettent de profiter de la nature sauvage de l'île.
Pour ceux qui cherchent plus d'adrénaline, des activités comme le canyoning, le VTT, ou même le parapente surplombant les paysages volcaniques offrent des moments mémorables. La côte de Tenerife est également idéale pour pratiquer des sports nautiques tels que le jet-ski, le paddle, ou la planche à voile.
Une activité incontournable est une excursion en bateau pour observer les dauphins et les baleines. Les eaux cristallines autour de l'île sont un habitat naturel pour ces magnifiques créatures marines, et vous aurez la chance de les observer dans leur environnement naturel tout en profitant du soleil.
Enfin, pour une expérience variée et bien organisée, je vous recommande vivement Aventura Excursions. Ce centre propose des excursions personnalisées qui conviennent à tous les types de groupes. Que ce soit pour des activités de plein air ou des aventures en mer, Aventura Excursions garantit des souvenirs inoubliables dans un cadre sécurisé et bien encadré. Vous y trouverez des guides expérimentés et passionnés qui sauront rendre votre séjour à Tenerife encore plus spécial.
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semipreciousgemstonejade · 1 month ago
You never know, you may end up liking it...
Not my usual type of post, but I've been very busy lately with moving back to my home country and I was thinking about this one scene in this movie that i found romantic... and I am a sucker for romance.
It is perfectly fine to watch movies that are labelled bad.
It is perfectly fine to watch movies with mixed reviews.
It is perfectly fine to watch movies you stumble upon that no one talks about.
It is perfectly fine to watch movies with no critical acclaim.
I realised this when I was a teen.
The amount of movies I have watched over the years that have provided me with immense joy, made my heart swell, made blood rush to my cheeks, have fit into these categories in some way or another.
I have discovered brilliant orginal scores, cinematography, dialogue, acting ensembles, concepts...
For instance, take Stranger Than Fiction (2006). One of my favourite scenes in a movie, ever, is when Mr. Crick, who up to this point we think is a boring, spineless jerk, subverts our expectations and does something that left me just as speechless as he left Ana.
Ana, a baker being audited by Mr. Crick who works for the IRS, is closing up her bakery for the night and heading home when Mr. Crick shows up with a gift.
So... you can't accept gifts, but you can give them?
Mr. Crick
Seems a little inconsistent, doesn't it Mr. Crick?
Mr. Crick
Very inconsistent, yes.
No, but I'll tell you what. I'll purchase them.
Mr. Crick
No. No. No. No, really. I'd like to purchase them. What are they?
Mr. Crick
Mr. Crick
I brought you flours.
...And... you carried them all the way here?
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Not only do I love that it is a play on words, of bringing someone flowers, but it is so thoughtful and one of the most romantic gestures I have ever heard. In this moment you realise just how much more there is to him than what he portrays to people.
Not to mention I discovered a beautiful piece of music featured in the movie, by Vangelis - La petite fille de la mer.
Smart for the very dim.
Feeble compared to the work of those who have done the same sort of thing better.
Arguably the best movie about writer's block.
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scifigeneration · 2 months ago
How can we improve public health communication for the next pandemic? Tackling distrust and misinformation is key
by Shauna Hurley, PhD candidate in the School of Public Health at Monash University and Rebecca Ryan, Senior Research Fellow in Health Practice and Management and Head of the Centre for Health Communication and Participation at La Trobe University
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There’s a common thread linking our experience of pandemics over the past 700 years. From the black death in the 14th century to COVID in the 21st, public health authorities have put emergency measures such as isolation and quarantine in place to stop infectious diseases spreading.
As we know from COVID, these measures upend lives in an effort to save them. In both the recent and distant past they’ve also given rise to collective unrest, confusion and resistance.
So after all this time, what do we know about the role public health communication plays in helping people understand and adhere to protective measures in a crisis? And more importantly, in an age of misinformation and distrust, how can we improve public health messaging for any future pandemics?
Last year, we published a Cochrane review exploring the global evidence on public health communication during COVID and other infectious disease outbreaks including SARS, MERS, influenza and Ebola. Here’s a snapshot of what we found.
The importance of public trust
A key theme emerging in analysis of the COVID pandemic globally is public trust – or lack thereof – in governments, public institutions and science.
Mounting evidence suggests levels of trust in government were directly proportional to fewer COVID infections and higher vaccination rates across the world. It was a crucial factor in people’s willingness to follow public health directives, and is now a key focus for future pandemic preparedness.
Here in Australia, public trust in governments and health authorities steadily eroded over time.
Initial information from governments and health authorities about the unfolding COVID crisis, personal risk and mandated protective measures was generally clear and consistent across the country. The establishment of the National Cabinet in 2020 signalled a commitment from state, territory and federal governments to consensus-based policy and public health messaging.
During this early phase of relative unity, Australians reported higher levels of belonging and trust in government.
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Australia’s pandemic communication got off to a reasonable start. Mick Tsikas/AAP
But as the pandemic wore on, public trust and confidence fell on the back of conflicting state-federal pandemic strategies, blame games and the confusing fragmentation of public health messaging. The divergence between lockdown policies and public health messaging adopted by Victoria and New South Wales is one example, but there are plenty of others.
When state, territory and federal governments have conflicting policies on protective measures, people are easily confused, lose trust and become harder to engage with or persuade. Many tune out from partisan politics. Adherence to mandated public health measures falls.
Our research found clarity and consistency of information were key features of effective public health communication throughout the COVID pandemic.
We also found public health communication is most effective when authorities work in partnership with different target audiences. In Victoria, the case brought against the state government for the snap public housing tower lockdowns is a cautionary tale underscoring how essential considered, tailored and two-way communication is with diverse communities.
Countering misinformation
Misinformation is not a new problem, but has been supercharged by the advent of social media.
The much-touted “miracle” drug ivermectin typifies the extraordinary traction unproven treatments gained locally and globally. Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug, lacking evidence for viruses like COVID.
Australia’s drug regulator was forced to ban ivermectin presciptions for anything other than its intended use after a sharp increase in people seeking the drug sparked national shortages. Hospitals also reported patients overdosing on ivermectin and cocktails of COVID “cures” promoted online.
The Lancet Commission on lessons from the COVID pandemic has called for a coordinated international response to countering misinformation.
As part of this, it has called for more accessible, accurate information and investment in scientific literacy to protect against misinformation, including that shared across social media platforms. The World Health Organization is developing resources and recommendations for health authorities to address this “infodemic”.
National efforts to directly tackle misinformation are vital, in combination with concerted efforts to raise health literacy. The Australian Medical Association has called on the federal government to invest in long-term online advertising to counter health misinformation and boost health literacy.
People of all ages need to be equipped to think critically about who and where their health information comes from. With the rise of AI, this is an increasingly urgent priority.
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Looking ahead
Australian health ministers recently reaffirmed their commitment to the new Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC).
From a science communications perspective, the Australian CDC could provide an independent voice of evidence and consensus-based information. This is exactly what’s needed during a pandemic. But full details about the CDC’s funding and remit have been the subject of some conjecture.
Many of our key findings on effective public health communication during COVID are not new or surprising. They reinforce what we know works from previous disease outbreaks across different places and points in time: tailored, timely, clear, consistent and accurate information.
The rapid rise, reach and influence of misinformation and distrust in public authorities bring a new level of complexity to this picture. Countering both must become a central focus of all public health crisis communication, now and in the future.
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 2 months ago
New Video: The Offline Shares Breathtakingly Gorgeous Visual for "Les Amis"
New Video: The Offline Shares Breathtakingly Gorgeous Visual for "Les Amis" @deepmatter
Occasionally, I’ll have a weird or bad day. Yesterday was one of them. I truly fucked up a post and have corrected it. I had a lot on my mind, including an interview and a bunch of other things. So let’s have a better day today, right? Hamburg-born and-based photographer, composer and multi-instrumentalist Felix Müller is the creative mastermind behind the rising cinematic soul project The…
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lamerhomes · 4 months ago
La Mer Homes
Through La Mer Homes, we have transformed the holiday rental experience on Cyprus’s East Coast for many years. Our journey started from the desire for excellence and a commitment to unparalleled service. Nowadays, we oversee over 150 exclusive holiday homes and residences, each one meticulously curated to meet the highest standards. With picturesque ocean views to tranquil village settings, our homes serve a wide array of preferences, whether it’s a family vacation or an adventure-filled holiday. Our team go beyond offering high-end accommodations, but further ensure a tailored service, so that every guest feels valued. From concierge services to 24/7 support, we guarantee your time here will be stress-free. As we move forward, our goal continues to be to elevate holiday standards, cultivating unforgettable experiences with everyone who stays with us.
Social Links: 
Google Reviews Display Link: https://g.page/r/CSjXwlh664sUEBM/review  Google Business Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Bj5S347jkhKKebZY8
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praslincarrental · 5 months ago
Drive Away with Ease: Efficient Car Rental Services for All in Seychelles
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Seychelles, a dreamy archipelago nation nestled amidst the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, beckons travelers with its pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and lush rainforests. Exploring this island paradise at your own pace unlocks a world of hidden coves, secluded beaches, and charming local towns, offering an unparalleled vacation experience. But navigating the idyllic islands can be challenging without a set of wheels. This is where car rental services come in, empowering you to explore Seychelles freely and conveniently.
Why Choose Car Rental Services in Seychelles?
Seychelles boasts a well-developed road network connecting the main islands of Mahé, Praslin, and La Digue. Buses provide a budget-friendly option for getting around, but they operate on limited schedules and may not reach all the hidden gems you desire to discover. Taxis, while readily available, can be expensive for extended journeys. Renting a car offers the perfect solution, granting you:
Unmatched Freedom and Flexibility: Car rental services in Seychelles hand you the keys to explore the islands on your terms. Design your itinerary, discover hidden coves along the way, and linger at picturesque spots for as long as you desire.
Convenience and Time-Saving: With a rental car, you eliminate dependence on public bus schedules or taxi availability. Travel directly to your destination, saving valuable time for sightseeing and relaxation.
Cost-Effectiveness for Groups or Families: For groups or families, car rentals become a cost-effective option compared to multiple taxi fares, especially for longer journeys or day trips to different locations.
Access to Secluded Spots: Public transportation may not reach all the breathtaking beaches, viewpoints, and hiking trails Seychelles offers. A rental car grants access to these hidden gems, enriching your island adventure.
Choosing the Perfect Car Rental Service in Seychelles
With a plethora of car rental services available in Seychelles, selecting the right one can feel overwhelming. Here are some key factors to consider:
Reputation and Reviews: Research reputable car rental companies in Seychelles. Reading online reviews from past customers can offer valuable insights into the company's reliability, vehicle quality, and customer service.
Vehicle Selection: Car rental services in Seychelles offer a diverse fleet ranging from compact hatchbacks ideal for navigating narrow roads to spacious SUVs perfect for families or exploring off-the-beaten-path locations. Choose a vehicle that aligns with your group size, luggage requirements, and planned adventures.
Rental Rates and Inclusions: Compare rental rates across different companies, considering factors like insurance coverage, mileage limitations, and additional fees. Opt for a company that offers transparent pricing and includes essential coverage in the base rate.
Customer Service: Prioritize companies known for excellent customer service. Look for those offering 24/7 roadside assistance for peace of mind during your travels.
Exploring Seychelles with Your Rental Car: Must-See Destinations
Buckle up and hit the road! Your rental car unlocks a treasure trove of experiences in Seychelles. Here are some must-see destinations you can explore at your own pace:
Mahé Island: The largest island, Mahé, serves as the Seychelles' heart. Explore Victoria, the capital city, with its vibrant markets and colonial architecture. Visit the Seychelles National Botanical Gardens, unwind on Beau Vallon Beach, or hike to the top of Sans Souci for panoramic views.
Praslin Island: Home to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Vallée de Mai, Praslin Island is a nature lover's paradise. Discover the rare Coco de Mer palm trees, embark on snorkeling adventures amidst vibrant coral reefs, or relax on the idyllic Anse Lazio Beach.
La Digue Island: Experience a slower pace of life on car-free La Digue. Explore the island on a rented bicycle, visit the majestic Anse Source d'Argent beach, or delve into the underwater world at the nearby Grande Anse.
Inner Islands: Venture beyond the main islands and discover the pristine beauty of the Seychelles' inner islands. Explore the secluded beaches of Silhouette Island, hike through the lush rainforests of North Island, or go island hopping and discover hidden gems like Curieuse Island.
Essential Tips for Renting a Car in Seychelles
To ensure a smooth and enjoyable car rental experience in Seychelles, consider these following tips:
Book in Advance: Especially during peak season, popular car rental services in Seychelles can get booked up quickly. Reserve your vehicle well in advance to secure your desired car and avoid disappointment.
Possess a Valid Driver's License: Ensure you hold a valid driver's license from your home country along with an International Driving Permit (IDP) for driving in Seychelles.
Understand Local Traffic Laws: Familiarize yourself with Seychelles' traffic laws, including driving on the left side of the road, speed limits, and designated parking areas.
Be Wary of Road Conditions: While Seychelles boasts a good road network, some roads, especially in remote areas, can be narrow, winding, and uneven. Drive cautiously and adjust your speed accordingly.
Fill Up Before Returning: Most car rental companies require the vehicle to be returned with a full tank of gas. Filling up before returning the car avoids additional charges.
Enjoy the Scenic Drives: Seychelles offers breathtaking coastal roads and scenic mountain passes. Take your time, soak in the stunning landscapes, and pull over at designated viewpoints for captivating photo opportunities.
Conclusion: Unforgettable Adventures with Car Rental Services in Seychelles
Renting a car in Seychelles unlocks a world of freedom and flexibility, allowing you to explore the islands' hidden gems and pristine beauty at your own pace. By considering the factors mentioned above and following these helpful tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable car rental experience. Buckle up, hit the road, and discover the magic of Seychelles with every turn of the wheel.
Beyond the Blog:
Planning a trip to Seychelles? Explore our website for further information on must-visit attractions, hidden gems, and exciting activities. We can also help you find reputable car rental services in Seychelles that perfectly suit your needs and budget. Let's create an unforgettable island adventure for you!
Follow us on our social media pages: Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
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editorialistcom · 6 months ago
Crème de la Mer Review
La Mer is a renowned skincare brand that has been captivating the beauty industry for decades. Its rich history and luxurious products have earned it a cult following among skincare enthusiasts worldwide. The brand's signature product, la mer cream, is a legendary moisturizer that has been praised for its transformative effects on the skin.
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A Story Born from the Sea
The story of La Mer began in 1965  when Dr. Max Huber, a scientist, suffered severe burns during a laboratory explosion. Determined to heal his damaged skin, he embarked on a years-long quest to develop a revolutionary skincare product. Inspired by the sea, he experimented with marine-derived ingredients and eventually created a unique formula that transformed his scarred skin. This remarkable concoction, now known as Miracle Broth™, became the cornerstone of La Mer's skincare range.
Miracle Broth™: The Heart of La Mer
Miracle Broth™ is the heart and soul of La Mer's products. This proprietary blend of fermented sea kelp, vitamins, minerals, and other natural extracts is said to possess remarkable healing and rejuvenating properties. The exact composition of Miracle Broth™ remains a closely guarded secret, but its effectiveness has been widely lauded by skincare experts and consumers alike.
Crème de la Mer: The Iconic Moisturizer
Crème de la Mer, the brand's flagship product, is a luxurious moisturizer that embodies the essence of La Mer's philosophy. Enriched with Miracle Broth™, this rich cream is designed to deliver intense hydration, soothe irritation, and promote visible signs of renewal. Clinical studies have shown that Crème de la Mer can significantly improve skin texture, firmness, and elasticity, making it a coveted product among those seeking a youthful complexion.
Beyond Crème de la Mer: A Comprehensive Skincare Range
La Mer's skincare collection extends far beyond its iconic moisturizer. The brand offers a wide range of products targeting various skin concerns, including serums, cleansers, eye treatments, and masks. Each product is formulated with Miracle Broth™ and other carefully selected ingredients to deliver optimal results.
A Luxurious Experience
La Mer is not just about skincare; it's about indulging in a luxurious experience. The brand's packaging is as elegant and sophisticated as its products, reflecting its commitment to providing a premium experience. From the moment you open a La Mer product, you're transported into a world of refined luxury.
A Legacy of Innovation
La Mer continues to push the boundaries of skincare innovation with its ongoing research and development efforts. The brand remains committed to harnessing the power of the sea to create transformative products that deliver exceptional results.
View more: https://editorialist.com/beauty/creme-de-la-mer-review/
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thecraggus · 6 months ago
Under Paris (2024) Review
Under Paris brings les dents de la mer home to the French capital, turning the city of lights into the city of bites! #SharkWeak5
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oladivecenter · 2 months ago
Les tours marins à Tenerife
Les tours marins à Tenerife sont une excellente manière de découvrir la beauté naturelle de l'île tout en profitant des eaux cristallines de l'océan Atlantique. Que ce soit pour observer des dauphins et des baleines, explorer des criques cachées ou profiter des paysages côtiers impressionnants, il y a une multitude d'options adaptées à tous les goûts.
Les eaux entourant Tenerife sont réputées pour leur biodiversité marine. En vous aventurant en mer, vous aurez la chance d'observer plusieurs espèces de cétacés, dont des dauphins communs, des globicéphales et même des baleines à bosse, qui migrent dans la région. De nombreuses excursions offrent des commentaires éducatifs sur ces créatures fascinantes et leur habitat, ce qui enrichit l'expérience pour toute la famille.
En plus des rencontres avec la faune marine, les tours marins peuvent inclure des activités telles que le snorkeling et la baignade dans des zones isolées, où les couleurs de l'eau et la vie marine sont tout simplement époustouflantes. Certains tours proposent également des arrêts dans des criques accessibles uniquement par bateau, où vous pourrez vous détendre sur des plages de sable doré ou explorer les fonds marins.
Pour profiter au maximum de votre expérience en mer à Tenerife, je vous recommande Aventura Excursion. Cette entreprise est connue pour ses excursions maritimes passionnantes et bien organisées, qui mettent l'accent sur la sécurité et le respect de l'environnement. Avec une équipe accueillante et professionnelle, Aventura Excursion vous promet une aventure mémorable, que vous soyez en famille, entre amis ou en couple. Que vous souhaitiez admirer des cétacés dans leur habitat naturel ou explorer les magnifiques côtes de Tenerife, Aventura Excursion saura vous satisfaire.
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